The Clarence J. Dauphinot, JR. Memorial Invitational Tennis Tournament

Thursday, November 20 – Sunday, November 23, 2014
play commences Friday, November 21

Entry deadline: Friday, November 7, 2014.

Event Details

Matches will begin at 8:30am on Friday. Please plan to arrive by Thursday afternoon. Finals will be played on Sunday morning. Please do not plan to leave before Sunday lunchtime, when all final matches will have been completed.

Tournament Flights

Championship Flights: Men's Doubles, Ladies' Doubles and Mixed Doubles

Participants are 'A' players or professionals who play competitively at a high standard. Consolation matches will be played.

Club Flights: Men's Doubles, Ladies' Doubles and Mixed Doubles

Participants have played in Club tournaments, Round Robins and/or Club leagues. Consolation matches will be played.

Please note: Two pros cannot play together as a team. Any team that includes a present or former teaching or touring tennis professional must enter the Championship (not Club) Flight. All eligible players are asked to participate in the consolation matches. All Guests must be sponsored by a Member in good standing, with the final decision on participation to be made by the Tennis Committee.


Guests who are not staying in Club accommodations are asked to register with the Tennis Shop, which is open 9:00am – 6:00pm daily, to collect their Guest Cards.
Guests will need to present their credit cards when registering for the tournament.

Entry Deadline

The deadline for registration is Friday, November 7, 2014. Draws are limited, and you are therefore encouraged to make your plans early.

Entry Fees

One event 255*
Two events 280*

* Guests not staying in Club accommodations will be charged $100 in addition to the entry fee.

Tennis Dress Code

Traditional all-white tennis attire is required (including all headwear and accessories). Clothing may have a minimal coloured trim, but no large panels or bands of colour. Tennis shoes must be predominantly white and approved for clay courts (no sharp-edged soles). Cross training and running shoes are not permitted.